Plus membership
Plus membership (Plus-jäsenyys in Finnish) includes Roadside Assistance 24/7. Should your car or motorcycle tour suddenly be interrupted through breakdown, Autoliitto arranges help for you, takes care that you get to your destination and pays the costs of assistance and other services needed for the continuation of your journey within the range of this membership. Plus membership costs only 133 € / 12 months!

As a Plus-member, you have access to benefits of the Basic-membership and in addition such as Euromaster’s and Motonet’s member benefits. The most important benefit being the 24/7 Roadside Assistance.
Following services are included in the Plus membership when the journey breaks down:
- service and consultation by phone
- arrangement of services
- road service
- towage
- fuel delivery
- change of tyre
- replacement car
- use of other means of transport
- accommodation
- collection of the repaired car from the garage
Plus-membership services are available by a phone call or Autoliitto app.
Plus membership cards bear the phone number of the AL assistance service centre. The phone number is in operation both in Finland and abroad. There is 24-hour-emergency duty each day of the year. All required services due to a breakdown will be arranged only through the alarm center.
Plus membership can be extended to other members of the family
When you are a Plus member of Autoliitto, other members of the family living in the same household with you may use the services of your assistance membership by paying family membership fee of 47 euros.
The agreement of becoming a member will be done only with a person over 18 yrs.
The services will take effect from the beginning of the next day after the payment.
You can join Plus membership here or by calling (09) 7258 4400.